An essay about the causes and consequences of madness, as seen through the films of Andrzej Źuławski.
“Only God knows, only God would believe /
That I was an angel, but they made me
What we talk about when we talk about “vibes”
Remember when I said I would keep the long personal essays to a minimum? I lied – just for fun.
Because the last thing
This piece is dedicated to the memory of David Lynch. Thank you for making me dream again.
It's so unchic to start this way, but we have a *lot* to get
Hi again, long time no blog. As I'm sure you're well aware, it's the end of 2024, and once again I found myself at a crossroads as
When an event as seismic as last week’s shake up at Pitchfork takes place within a space as self-involved and eager to feelings dump as the nebulously defined music twitter discourse sphere,